Monday, August 23, 2010

Growing up isn't easy

I'm not dead, just, lazy?  Anyways, today's random thought, is about growing up.  I remember as a child, I looked up to adults and think, "Man, they got it all figured out."  Today, I am among that population of "adults", even though I still think to myself, "Man, they got it all figured out."  Implicitly saying, I don't have it figured out, which I don't.  I suppose part of me is caught up in the consumerist attitude of everything being just kind of given to me when I pass "Go" enough times and can pay up.  Perhaps I'm just cynical, but the great epiphany of life, at least for myself, is that there isn't a great epiphany of life.  Things don't just fall into place and everything makes sense and works out.  Sometimes it providentially does, but it really is an act of God.

In the end I think it's all about how the little things add together to make the bigger picture.  Nonetheless, I'm an adult, I've got it worked out right?  Not.  The word "adult" really is intimidating, and I'm not entirely comfortable labeling myself with it, though technically I'm already years past legally qualifying for the honor. Will it make sense with more time?  Maybe, but not time alone.  Maybe I just haven't had my epiphany yet, but still, life goes on.  I can't just stop because my personal life hasn't been sorted out, I have to do it on the fly. How do I do that?  Well, one thing I realize more as I grow older is the enormity of the extent of things I can't do.  More and more, I realize that while I'm bumbling about hoping to serndipidously stumble upon the right answer, there's someone I know that's got it all figured out already, I just have to ask.  So, I just need to trust Him (the guy with the right answers) and trust His answers, and live accordingly.  Things will work out in the end.  He's got it figured out.

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