Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Remarkable Jading Effect of Time

Hm... Was the title a little too cynical? I dunno, it's just something I've been thinking about. It's kind of sad that I haven't realized it until now, but have you noticed that things get less interesting as time passes? I know I've heard it before, the more I do things the more commonplace they become and they lose their initial appeal, maybe that's it. I used to always want to go to McDonald's and my mom would say how if I had too much McDonald's I'd get sick of it. I didn't really believe her of course, but then, I didn't have McDonald's everyday either. Nonetheless, it's interesting how remarkably unappealing the mundane and routine become once they become mundane and routine. It's weird.

This is something that I find happening in life, and more specifically through my personal walk of faith. It's rather ironic, but what was once construed as spiritual fervor is now viewed with a rather cynical perspective. Everything that I once was passionate about has become cliched, and I wish it weren't so. A lot of times I go back to those cliched attitudes and sayings, and I sometimes cringe at how cliched it is, but also, I remember, how when it wasn't so. It's a difficult battle, and one that I think we need to be aware of. Time jades, we should realize that. I don't know if it's a by-product of the cynicism in our society or if it's the natural degeneration of man, but it happens. There's an opening line to a song that I've been listening to lately, and it goes like thus, "Can I look past the cliches?" Well, can I?

I suppose this has been a little on the depressing side, so I suppose I'll try to put a more positive perspective on this. I believe that in understanding this it's a calling to bring us back to the simplicity of children, where there are no cliches. Just because it's cliched doesn't make it wrong. Just overused, but we always have to have that fresh perspective, that kid constantly craving the simple things. I've noticed most of it comes back to a matter of perspective. As life progresses the wonder comes out of things little by little, but I believe with the proper perspective, things can be better.

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