Friday, July 22, 2011

Marvel vs. DC Redux

So I know I've been posting a lot of random more "profound" things lately, and decided I wanted to lighten things up a bit. In 1996 there was a crossover between two major comic book companies, DC and Marvel. Now at this point in time, I might have totally geeked out on a majority of my reading audience, which I suppose is small enough to either be really hard (to reach a majority), or really easy, in that I'm really geeking out. Anyways, I figure, I've been rethinking it, and there are some matchups I'd like to explore. The original crossover featured the following matchups:

Hulk vs. Superman
Captain America vs. Batman
Storm vs. Wonder Woman
Wolverine vs. Lobo
Namor vs. Aquaman
Quicksilver vs. Flash
Thor vs. Captain Marvel
Jubilee vs. Robin
Spider-Man vs. Superboy

Among various other ones. While some of these are interesting, I'd like to revisit this concept with some modified matchups. Some will be the same and some will be different. These are ones I think interesting or appropriate. Of course, this is entirely my opinion so it may differ. I'm not immensely familiar with DC characters, and there's a certain degree of difficulty making appropriate matchups (in my opinion) given that DC characters have such generic abilities (flight, superhuman strength/speed, etc...). That notwithstanding, we'll give this a go. I'll post matchups one by one and give my takes on them. Feel free to completely ignore them or follow along. Cheers!

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